What is a Mail Order Bride? Today these are simply women a foreign affair russian brides sign up for a website that caters to men beyond their own countries, usually the United States and Western Europe. That is why we use the term mail order bride and international dating interchangeably, because a mail order bride is simply a woman engaging in international dating. If you are thinking about pursuing foreign girls for marriage there are several issues that you should consider.
The first of course is what area of the world you are considering pursing a bride from? There are cultural differences between say Eastern European lady and an Asian woman, but you should avoid falling into the trap of stereotyping foreign brides, because this can fatally poison your relationship before it ever starts. The foreign women who sign up for international dating agencies are individuals and you should never forget that fact. You can find a Russian woman who is totally submissive and there are Filipinas who are pushy type A women. Whatever grain of truth existed in the national stereotypes has changed, because the countries where most of the mail order brides today come from have under gone enormous social, political, and economic change in the last twenty-five years. Russian ladies that grew up in the last dreary days of the crumbling Soviet Union had vastly different life experience than young Russian bride who grew up with the internet in a more or less free society.
So, the old stereotype of an Eastern European lady as a pushy, materialistic, green card bride, which was always a gross exaggeration of the worst Russian ladies, is much less true today. The same thing hold true for the myth of submissiveness among Latin and Asian ladies. Yes, when Commodore Perry first sailed into Tokyo Bay Japanese women were very submissive, because Japanese society was highly ordered and because there were very stiff penalties, including potential violence, for women that violated the social norm as a submissive woman. However, modern Japan and the Japan of a hundred and fifty years ago is wildly different and you should not expect to meet Madame Butterfly when you visit Tokyo today.