The foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation is a system of views on the content and main areas in the foreign policy activities of Russia. The legal basis of this concept consists of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, russian foreign economic policy Federal laws, other legislative acts of the Russian Federation that regulate the activity of Federal bodies of state power in foreign policy, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, and international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation that was approved by Decree No. The international situation that has taken shape by the beginning of the XXI century has required reevaluation of the overall situation around the Russian Federation, of the priorities of Russian foreign policy and the possibilities of ensuring it with resources.
Along with certain strengthening of the international positions of the Russian Federation, negative tendencies are in evidence as well. The uppermost priority of the foreign policy course of Russia is to protect the interests of the individual and the society. To influence general world processes with the aim of forming a stable, just ad democratic world order, built on generally recognized norms of international law, including, first of all, the goals and principles in the U. To promote a positive perception of the Russian Federation in the world, to popularize the Russian language and culture of the peoples of Russia in foreign states. The modem world is going through fundamental and dynamic changes that profoundly affect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens. Russia is an active participant in this process.
Being a permanent member of the U. The transformation of international relations, the end of confrontation, steady elimination of the consequences of the “Cold War,” and the advancement of Russian reforms have substantially broadened the possibilities for cooperation in the world arena. The threat of a global nuclear conflict has been reduced to a minimum. At the same time, new challenges and threats to the national interests of Russia are emerging in the international sphere. There is a growing trend towards the establishment of a unipolar structure of the world with the economic and power domination of the United States. In solving principal questions of international security, the stakes are being placed on western institutions and forums of limited composition, and on weakening the role of the U.
The strategy of unilateral actions can destabilize the international situation, provoke tensions and the arms race, aggravate interstate contradictions, national and religious strife. The use of power methods bypassing existing international legal mechanisms cannot remove the deep socio-economic, inter-ethnic and other contradictions that underlie conflicts, and can only undermine the foundations of law and order. Russia shall seek to achieve a multi-polar system of international relations that really reflects the diversity of the modem world with its great variety of interests. Taking into account mutual interests is the guarantee of effectiveness and reliability of such a world order. The world order of the XXI century must be based on mechanisms of collective resolution of key problems, on the priority of law and broad democratization of international relations.
Along with additional possibilities for socio-economic progress, the expansion of human contacts, this tendency gives rise to new dangers, especially for economically weak states, and increases the probability of large-scale financial and economic crises. Development of regional and sub-regional integration in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, Africa and Latin America. Military-political rivalry among regional powers, growth of separatism, ethnic-national and religious extremism. Integration processes, in particular, in the Euro-Atlantic region are quite often pursued on a selective and limited basis. Attempts to belittle the role of a sovereign state as the fundamental element of international relations generate a threat of arbitrary interference in internal affairs. The threats related to these tendencies are aggravated by the limited resource support for the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, making it difficult to uphold its foreign economic interests and narrowing down the framework of its information and cultural influence abroad.