Russian Foreign Policy Research and analysis regarding all russian foreign policy wiki of Russia’s foreign policy. Russia’s foreign policy has in recent years become more assertive than it had been in the first two decades since independence.
The Kremlin surprised many with its 2008 war in Georgia, its 2014 seizure of Crimea and intervention in eastern Ukraine, and its 2015 deployment of forces in the Syrian civil war. First name This field is required. Last name This field is required. 586 12H10zm-6 4h4v-5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h5V2H4v14zm5 2H3a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v9.
502 0 0 0 7 4. The Russian Republic, more commonly known as Russia, is a constitutional democracy located in Eurasia, stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Russia entered the Weltkrieg to protect its ally, Serbia, from Austro-Hungarian annexation in 1914 and subsequently fought a war across three fronts while isolated from its allies in the Entente for three years. Disillusioned by the grinding attrition of war and now facing near-starvation conditions in the cities, 1917 began with massive anti-government and anti-war demonstrations in many of Russia’s urban centres.
Morale in the army had likewise plummeted in the face of rising casualties and diminishing territory, and desertion had become an epidemic. The February Revolution overthrew the Russian Monarchy, which was soon replaced by a shaky coalition of political parties that declared the “Provisional Government. However, with defeats at the front and economic collapse not abating, the Provisional Government’s shaky legitimacy was soon seriously challenged by its “partner” in government, the Petrograd Soviet. Though the Bolsheviks controlled much of Russia, their enemies were far from defeated completely in 1917. The “White Movement” which arose to oppose them was a loose coalition of conservatives, liberals, ardent tsarists, and anti-Bolshevik socialists. Nevertheless, White opposition soon arose across much of Russia’s periphery.
Disaster struck the Bolsheviks in the summer of 1918, for not only did many Socialist Revolutionaries abandon the Bolsheviks after Brest-Litovsk, but Lenin himself was assassinated by a disgruntled SR. This catastrophe was compounded by the fact that, by late 1918, White armies had established themselves across much of southern Russia, Ukraine, Siberia, the Baltics, and the Far East. The end of 1919 saw the most decisive period of the Civil War, with the White armies capturing first Petrograd, then seizing much of the Russian heartland, before finally capturing Moscow and accepting the Bolshevik surrender on January 22nd, 1920. Although the new Russian Republic had to face many threats after its establishment, it managed to survive.
Thanks to German mediation, the East Karelian national revolt was quelled with the signing of the Treaty of Tartu, which awarded the region of Petsamo to the Kingdom of Finland, but prevented a full-scale war and kept East Karelia under Russian rule. In 1924, the shadows of another civil war threatened the country when a coalition of capitalists, disgruntled officers, the Cossacks, and the remnants of the Czech legion tried to overthrow the government and seize power in the Kolchak Putsch. The current Speaker of Senate is Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich Romanov. The new president is elected only after the term of office of the elected president comes to end. State Duma is the lower house of the Russian parliament.
Politics in Russia are highly unstable at present, and there are signs that Kerensky’s shaky unified coalition is beginning to fall apart. The Socialist Revolutionaries were one of the most powerful factions of the Civil War and continue to exert influence in the State Duma. Due to differences over economic matters, the party is often divided into left-wing and right-wing factions, headed by Victor Chernov and Alexander Kerensky, respectively. The Mensheviks are the most radical group in the Duma, and consist of members of the splinter faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party who didn’t flee to Georgia or elsewhere after the October Revolution failed. They currently maintain ties with the left-wing factions of the Socialist-Revolutionaries. The group also includes Bolsheviks who remained in Russia after the Civil War, most notably Nikolai Bukharin.
The Constitutional Democrats, or Kadets as they are more commonly known, are a liberal party favouring a mixed economy and a social liberal constitutional republic and are led by Pavel Milyukov. They are the weakest of the major parties vying for control within the Duma and the country itself. There also exists a coalition of conservative aristocrats and wealthy landowners who favour a return to the monarchy. They are supported by the Russian Orthodox Church and members of the old Russian aristocracy. They do not possess much power in the Duma but retain control of much of the Senate which lets them name a President in the event of a vacancy of the position.
The Russian military is extraordinarily obsolete. While it maintains a steady presence along the entire border, the military lacks competent commanders and discipline, and there are significant disagreements in the General Staff on how the military should be developed. The current political situation in Russia reflects extremely onto the military, and particularly the Army, with former Red and White Army soldiers beginning to raise their voices once again. The equipment of the Army is obsolete, of practically Weltkrieg-era age or even older, lacking the most basic of modern equipment like mobile tanks and transport vehicles.
The Russian Navy maintains a strong presence in the Baltic Sea and a nominal presence in the Arctic and the Pacific Ocean but has lost its presence entirely in the Black Sea after the secession of the Ukraine and Don-Kuban Union during the Civil War. The small Russian Flying Corps is the aerial arm of the Russian Military and has a small presence in Western Russia, fielding three wings of aircraft, as well as one wing in the Far East. Friendly relations exist with historical friends like Serbia as well as Bulgaria, Bohemia, Hungary, and Romania. Unfriendly relations exist with the Far Eastern states of Mongolia, Japan, and Transamur. The culture of Russia is an old one, in existence in its present form for at least a thousand years with the settling of today’s northwestern Russia by the Viking king Rurik in the ninth century, and has developed and spread its heritage over half a continent. 4-1C17 4 12 4 12 4s-5 0-8.
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