Russian foreign relations with india

Russian foreign relations with india

President Vladimir Putin of Russia and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, during a state visit to India in 2014. Both countries are members of russian foreign relations with india international bodies where they jointly collaborate closely on matters of shared national interest. India is the second largest market for the Russian defence industry.

Indian Military’s hardware import came from Russia, making Russia the chief supplier of defence equipment. In 1468, Russian traveller Afanasy Nikitin began his journey to India. Between 1468 and 1472, he travelled through Persia, India and the Ottoman Empire. A cordial relationship with India that began in the 1950s represented the most successful of the Soviet attempts to foster closer relations with Third World countries. The Soviet Union’s strong relations with India had a negative impact upon both Soviet relations with the People’s Republic of China and Indian relations with the PRC, during the Khrushchev period. The Soviet Union declared its neutrality during the 1959 border dispute and the Sino-Indian war of October 1962, although the Chinese strongly objected.

In 1965 the Soviet Union served successfully as peace broker between India and Pakistan after an Indian-Pakistani border war. In 1971 the former East Pakistan region initiated an effort to secede from its political union with West Pakistan. Relations between the Soviet Union and India did not suffer much during the rightist Janata Party’s coalition government in the late 1970s, although India did move to establish better economic and military relations with Western countries. To counter these efforts by India to diversify its relations, the Soviet Union proffered additional weaponry and economic assistance. During the 1980s, despite the 1984 assassination by Sikh separatists of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the mainstay of cordial Indian-Soviet relations, India maintained a close relationship with the Soviet Union. Relations with India have always been and I am sure will be one of the most important foreign policy priorities of our country. Our mutual ties of friendship are filled with sympathy, and trust, and openness.

And we must say frankly that they were never overshadowed by disagreements or conflict. This understanding – this is indeed the common heritage of our peoples. It is valued and cherished in our country, in Russia, and in India. We are confident that India lives in the hearts of every Russian.

In the same way, I can assure you that Russia also lives in our souls as a Homeland, as people who share our emotions, our feelings of mutual respect and constant friendship. India-Russia relationship is one of deep friendship and mutual confidence that would not be affected by transient political trends. Russia has been a pillar of strength at difficult moments in India’s history. India will always reciprocate this support.